Q: Can I cancel my order?
A: If you wish to cancel your order, please Email us at cs@sportlinkcase.com ASAP! Please also let us know your reason for canceling, as this is really helpful information for us!
Orders move through our systems quickly to allow us to dispatch them ASAP, so we can’t guarantee that we can cancel an order once it has been placed (even if it hasn't yet left our warehouse). However we will always try, and if we’re unable to do so we can guide you through our Returns process.
Q: Can I return my order?
A: Yes! Items purchased directly from our website can be returned to us within 30 days from the date of delivery. To request a return, please Email us at cs@sportlinkcase.com and we can guide you through the process. Please also let us know why you want to return, as this is really helpful information for us!
Any returned items must be unused and in a re-saleable condition. You’ll need to cover any return postage costs yourself, and we'd always recommend using a tracked postal service. Please also note that all returns must be pre-authorized by our team - any unauthorized returns may not be processed.
Q: I think I've been wrongly charged.
A: When you place an order with us, you will receive an email straight after placing your order, confirming your order details and the amount that you will be charged. Please be aware that some banks may charge a small foreign transaction fee - this is not something that Sportlink receives or is liable to refund. However, if anything looks unusual, please let us know straight away so we can investigate further.